日本のここがおかしい!オランダからの主張 - 男尊女卑- The real truth about Japan - Chauvinism



Hi this is OBP, I better introduce myself first. I was born in Japan, moved to Germany at age 5 after my parents got divorced. I received very good education in Germany until age 25: Elementary school, Gymansium, 1 year foreign exchange student at Richland high school in Washington State and graduated, back in Germany I studied at the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn (English/Japanese /German diplomatic translation, economy). Then during a business trip in Japan I met my to be husband and moved to the Netherlands. 12 years ago we got into a huge car crash when my husband got paraplegic (T9-T12) whereas I had not one scratch. At that moment I decided to become his arms and legs. We 've got married, got a dog and after 5 times of IVF we were blessed with two healthy daughters now age 4 and 10. 

So, last year November, just by chance I read an article about gender discrimination at Tokyo medical school entrance exam; meaning the Unitversity board decided to disqualify female applicants by manipulating 20 points while they had 100 points (max) in order to keep the female doctor's quota below 20%. The worst part is that Tokyo medical school was not the only one - actually 7 out of 81 medical schools in Japan have been manipulating the entrance exam for sure since 2005, there is even a suspicion that gender discrimination at entrance exam has been going on since the 90's when the female quota in medical school suddenly stagnated just below 20% after a rise from the 70's. That's the reason why Japan has female doctor quota of 16%, the lowest of OECD member. In the end numerous University boards admitted gender discrimination at entrance exam, apologized, but no one has yet not been charged, fined nor dismissed from the board. 

For more information, please read following source:


 So basically that was my decision to start my investigation on Twitter Japan, how deep the gender discrimination is in Japan. It's been more than 6 months since then and meanwhile I have decided to write everything down on Blog to make all the problems including gender issue in Japan public to the whole world. Because all the problems from A to Z in Japan are way too inhumane, unethical and immoral for an industrial country. I hope this goes viral.


生まれは日本世田谷区弦巻。5歳の時に両親離婚の末、母親の再婚相手(オーストリア人)の住むフランクフルトへ移住、そこで20年間在住。93年から94年まで米国のワシントン州リッチランド市のハイスクールへ留学、そして卒業。現地校はギムナジウム卒業後ボンのRheinische Friedrich Wilhelm大学で和独英翻訳科経済学部専攻。






Since the gender discrimination at entrance exam at medical school in 2018, 7 of the medical school accepted 200 of the falsely disqualified female applicants in Spring 2019. Then according to the results of 2019 medical school entrance exam more female applicants passed than male applicants. This phenomenon has never happenend before since the exam have been manipulated at least since 2005 (well, might be since the 90's - I keep on repeating).


Meanwhile according to the OECD statistics it is shown that female students are slightly better than male ones world-wide.


The source is below in Japanese (please use google translation):


In Twitter Japan I met a lot of Anti-feminists who keep on saying the same phrases:

"There is no chauvinism / gender inequality in Japan. Women are treated better than men. Take for example the train with special wagon only for women. That is a gender discrimination. Furthermore, there is a ladies day when women has a special discount or a drink for free. If you say there is chauvinism, patriarchy in Japan, then show me the source"

Firstly, since 2002 Japanese train industry introduced a wagon only for women. That is only one wagon for each train. That is because there had been (and still every day) a lot of complaints of groping in train. This is no gender discrimination - it is a way to protect women from sexual harrassment by men. 

Secondly, "ladies day" is a marketing system to attract more customers. This is no gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is when male and female employees earn different wages even thoug they have same qualification. In Japan male employees earn 7 times more than female even though they have same qualification and work specification. 

TWITTER JAPANでよくアンチフェミに言われたTOP5。

  1. 日本は男尊女卑じゃなくて女尊男卑。
  2. 女性専用車両とか男性差別。
  3. レディースデーでは女性が得してるし。
  4. 風俗ではガンガン稼げるし。
  5. 日本が男尊女卑であると言うソースは?





So, following is also an elaborate explanation about gender inequality in Japan in Wikipedia.




Chauvinism, Patriarchy is the keyword in Japan. Most of the problems are based on these ideology that cause gender inquality between men and women. Imagine industrial country back in the 60's. Japan is right there, still there. Believe it or not - there has never been a second emancipation movement of women in the past. Every other industrial country had the second feminism movement in the 60's. The first movement was in the early 1900 for the right to vote starting with New Zealand in 1893 ending with Switzerland in 1971 (the last industrial country that allowed women to vote. BTW, Saudi Arabia allowed women to vote in 2011). Well, in Japan the first emancipation movement started around WWII when few women gathered at the congress demanded repeatedly for women allowed to vote but they were all silenced by men. After WWII, American General Douglas McArthur who rebuilt Japan government and society from scratch decided that Japanese women had the right to vote (simply because American women were allowed to vote since1920). But after that - nothing ever happend qua 2nd feminism movement until finally recently "Flower demo" emerged on 11th of April 2019.


Following is the letter I sent to numerous news broadcast in Netherlands (NOS Journaal) Germany (die Zeit), EWL (European Women's Lobby) and NVR (Dutch women's Board):
"To whom it may concern,
On 11.6.2019 there will be a feminist demo called "flower demo" with every woman holding a flower in her hand, standing up for gender equality in Japan:
Fukuoka, Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Shimoseki, Kagoshima.
Why this demo happened is due to unjust rulings of numerous judges listed below:
12.3.2019 Fukuoka judge ruled the accused as not guilty for rape since he was not sure if she didn't want sexual intercourse with him. During rape she was incapable to move since she was drunk. According to the judge the victim didn't show clear  form of resistance so the accused didn't notice it was rape.
19.3.2019 Shizuoka judge ruled the accused for rape as not guilty since the victim didn't show enough resistance during rape so the accused didn't notice it was rape. But it was proven that the victim was not capable to fight back since he was twice a size as her.
26.3.2019 Nagoya judge ruled the accused for sexual abuse of his daughter from the age 12 up to 19 for not guilty for, according to the judge, she should have had numerous chances to avoid the sexual intercourse and for the accused it was not clear that the victim didn't want it since the resistance against rape was not clear enough. The father threatened his daughter to stop the financial aid for her study unless she would have sexual intercourse with him.
28.3.2019 Shizuoka judge ruled the accused for sexual abuse of his daugther from age 12 to 14 for not guilty for, according to the judge, no one of the 7 memebers of the family noticed any sexual intercourse of the two in their home. 
However the father was found guilty of possession of child pornography and child prostitution, fined for 1000,-Euro (100.000 Yen).
12.3.2019 numerous women raised their voices in Twitter about the unjust ruling of these judges, demanded to educate the judges to take seminars about gender equality whereas numerous lawyers answered that these women had no idea about law and they should keep quiet. 
11.4.2019 The very first feminist demo "flower demo" took place in Tokyo, when 400-500 women with their flowers in their hands gathered to talk about sexual violence against women, gender inquality between men and women. 
The gender inquality in Japan is based on chauvinistic patriarch society.  
Please help us to make this voice of Japanse women visible from outside Japan, since Japanse men are weak against "gai-atsu" (pressure from outside).
Thank you very much for your help.
 the letter is basically a translation of the following text of "Flower Demo" message:


 FLOWER DEMOの詳細を翻訳し、オランダのNOS JOURNAAL(オランダNOSニュース放送局)、EWL(欧州女性ロビー活動団体)、NRV(オランダ女性ロビー活動団体)へ送信しときました。以下はそのメールの原文です(FLOWER DEMO参照)。

「2019.3.12  福岡地裁

3.19 静岡地裁


3.26 名古屋地裁

3.28 静岡地裁 当時12歳の長女を2年にわたり週3の頻度で強姦していた罪で問われた父親に対し、家が狭いことを理由に少女の証言は信用できないとして無罪。家から押収された児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法違反の罪で、罰金10万円。


3.12  福岡地裁の判決を期に裁判官のジェンダー教育を訴える声に対し、弁護士を中心に冷笑する声があがる。性暴力に関する司法判決に対する疑問の声



-anticonception pill has been legalized in 2006 (in Europe it has been legalized in the 50's) - it took 46 years until legalization whereas Viagra (medicine to get a boner) took 6 months to be legalized in Japan.
-When it was legalized it took 300US$ to get anticonception pill since it was not covered by health care. Meanwhile it is covered by health care but you still have to go to the hospital to get prescription to it cost 100-200US$. In Europe it is partially covered by health care but the cost is approx.50 euro for 1 year anticonception pill.
-Regarding abortion Japan still use most inhumane old fashioned abortion technology simply because they can charge 1000-2000US$ for each abortion, they don't care if they put women's health or their reproductive organs at risk. World wide conception of Japanese gynacology used to be "murder weapon" (since anticonception pill was illegal and without any education of sexuality and human rights at school plus old timer abortion technology it all seemed like an organized killing machine). In Europe or North America (strictly religious Middle East and South America as well) they use modern technology in abortion (e.g. to use abortion pill until 8 weeks) to minimize any risk to health and reproductive organs of women. These modern technology is still illegal in Japan.  The national meeting of Japanese gynacologists who will decide about the reproductive (anticonception, morning after pill, abortion technology, etc...) rights of women consists of 99% men, 1% woman. Since the decision is based on majority vote, no voice of women will be supported in this system. The opinion of men is:"don't give any decision of reproductive rights to women since they are not educated well enough. If they get too many rights, they will abuse them for wrong conduct." 
-In Japan they are almost no hospitals and police departments that carry rape kit.
-In Japan there are no medical insitution that offer morning after pill. If you can find one they offer one single morning after pill for 300-500US$ plus you have to sign a contract that you will never have sexual intercourse without anticonception (even though you were raped) and you have to take the pill in front of the doctor plus you have to receive an internal examination that has to be repeated after 4 weeks. In Europe you can buy morning after pill "EllaOne" for 15Euro at any drugstore without prescription since 2001. 
-there is almost no lawyer who will work for the victim (of sexual crime).
-the victim (of sexual crime) has to gather all information by herself to make a case against the perpetrator. It takes a lot of money, time, energy and pressure to the victim.
-even though after you done everything you can to charge the perpetrator the police won't take it, prosecution wouldn't take it to the court (because the judge would dismiss the case anyway). Police, prosecutor, perpetrator and his lawyer would all threaten the victim to drop all charges. If the victim won't give up, the judge will rule as not guilty or guily on probation (he walks free anyway).
-civil trial and criminal trial are both very kind to the perpetrator thus very cruel to the victim. The victim has to prove the (sexual) crime but the perpetrator doesn't have to prove his crime. Even though after a winning case the compensation of damage has only been paid 3-4% by the perpetrator. 
-There have been a lot of "Slapping" cases that the perpetrator charges the victim for defamation.
-The perpetrator won't get any punishement. He will contine with his school of job, no reflection whatsoever. He would even scatter bad false information of the victim in the internet.
-The victim often has to stop school or job. Their life has been ruined, no security or safety net whatsoever.
-there is no insitution, facility or safety net to take care of the victim in Japan.
-to get back on the feet is entirely victim's responsibility 
-according to Japanese law rape is not a crime even If you don't agree to sex unless it was proven there was enough proof that the victim fought back or was threatened. well, then murder and terrorism is no crime as well? Because rape is just like killing a person psychologically.
(by V.A. 27.6.2019)








男尊女卑に付いてTwitter Japanで沢山の男性とお話しようとしましたが、99%は怒る、侮辱する、無視する、抵抗するのいずれかでした。そして何人かは男尊女卑で女性差別がこの社会に存在するのなら、ソースを上げて欲しいと言われました。は?目瞑って生きてんの?現実がソースじゃん。ニュースでもバンバン出てるじゃん。ネットで検索すれば一発で分かる事じゃん。要は見ざる言わざる聞かざる姿勢、日本文化の特徴ですよね。臭い物に蓋をする。でも、もう蓋を蹴破って声を上げる時が来たんです!



Following is an article of Japanese sex industry "schoolgirls for sale" a phenomenon emerged from a lack of school education in sexuality. Please read. The Japanese translation is below. 




















  • 女性差別 日本



  • 進学やキャリアの妨げ 



隠された真実 (@enolagay_at) Tweeted:

Replying to 


  • 高校生の性暴力被害実態調査

委託調査報告書 研究代表 野坂 祐子
財団法人 女性のためのアジア平和国民基金

「ここ 10 年ほどの間に、女性に対する暴力への問題意識の高まりとともに、女性への暴力の実態調査や臨床研究が蓄積されてきた。そして、暴力のさまざまな形のなかには、性暴力も多く含まれており、それによる心身への影響は深刻であること、さらに幼少期から青年期の間の被害体験を持つ成人が多いことが明らかになってきた。カウンセリングなどの心理臨床的支援の現場においても、性暴力被害の多さと深刻さ、性暴力被害による子どもの相談の増加は、実感を持って認識するところである。」












NFRJ98/03/08から見た日本の家族の現状と変化 稲葉昭英 - 家族社会学研究, 2011


日本社会におけるジェンダー政策の現状と課題 伊藤公雄 - 法社会学, 2001


家庭内DV 3日に1人妻が殺される!日本のDVの実態


教育機会の地域間格差 佐々木洋成 - 教育社会学研究, 2006 


東京医科大学の入試における女性差別と関連事実 ― 今政府は何をすべきか










山口一男 - 日本労働研究雑誌, 2008










「日本でもイスタンブール条約の中身を共有できるようになりたい。世界の努力方向は性暴力の厳正な処罰。「暴行脅迫要件」撤廃へ加速。日本がお手本とするドイツも2016年撤廃。その効果は「同意に基づかない」性的行為を厳しく処罰する #NOmeansNO の法改正。 さらに #YESmeansYES へ踏み出す国もある。」


To whom it may concern,

Firstly, following is the explanation what Istanbul Convenstion is:

"The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence is based on the understanding that violence against women is a form of gender-based violence that is committed against women because they are women. It is the obligation of the state to fully address it in all its forms and to take measures to prevent violence against women, protect its victims and prosecute the perpetrators. Failure to do so would make it the responsibility of the state. The convention leaves no doubt: there can be no real equality between women and men if women experience gender-based violence on a large-scale and state agencies and institutions turn a blind eye."


The Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence was adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on 7 April 2011. It was opened for signature on 11 May 2011 on the occasion of the 121st Session of the Committee of Ministers in Istanbul.

Secondly, the Japanese government showed interest towards ratification of Istanbul convention, but have not year ratified. Since male chauvinism in Japan still remains deeply, we are afraid the government will never ratify without building up pressure from both inside and outside Japan.

In Japan three years ago the rape law was amended for the first time in 110 years, but still rape has to be proven by the level of how the victim fought back against the sexual intercourse and if there was a certain level of threat that the victim was not able to defend and lastly, the consent of women was not clearly included. Therefore as long the perpetrator sais he didn't know that the victim didn't want the sexual intercourse, the rapist will walk free without any charge.

We demand following rape law amendment:

"rape is sexual intercourse that is forced on another without the person's consent of against the person's will" 

Next year the law amendment of rape charge will be discussed again in Japan. Male chauvinism is the cause of all level of female discrimination

- gender discrimination in education: certain amount of female applicants of medical school entry exam have been disqualified since 2005 in order to keep the female doctor's quota below 20%


- sexual violence: offenders of rape charge mostly walk free without any charge due to the Lupo


- domestic violence: every 4 days 1 woman will be killed by a man


- sexual abuse and industrial marketing of female minors called JK brand



- groping in public transportation: especially on female teenagers in train


- less than 10% of male parent have zero commitment to parenting and household


- gender inequality in salary: 1 out of 3 women aged 20-64 live in poverty, 52% of 65+ women live in poverty. Gender inequality in Japan. Despite being a highly developed society, Japan has high levels of gender inequality. In 2015, the country had a per-capitaincome of US$38,883, ranking 22nd of the 188 countries, and #17 in the Human Development Index. 


- exploitation of 46% female part time workers: part time workers get 50% less wage compared to contracted employee even though they have the same qualification and work. Part time workers have no social security (can get fired any other day without any paycheck). Usually women with children get part time jobs even with academic background.


maternity harassment - The results show 48.7% of women sent to corporate clients by temp agencies encountered victimisation, ranging from dismissal and demotion to unfair treatment and verbal abuse. The survey of 3,500 women aged 24-44 found that 21.8% of full-time employees were subjected to similar mistreatment. Moreover, in public transportation men often harrass pregnant women hitting on their stomach or trying to make them trip over. Usually there are special seats for pregnant women in train but men push them away and let them stand.



You can summarize as in Japan, men controles women in all aspects whereas women have absolutely no voice in society. So please help and give us your voice to help the situation in Japan, to help women to help themselves. Every voice counts. Thank you very much in advance for your help.